Tummien perhosten koti

"Sinä olet kipeä, mutta sinä paranet kyllä. Mutta et voi parantua ennen kuin päästät irti, sillä niin kauan kuin sinä itse pidät kiinni menneisyydestäsi, se kyllä pitää kiinni sinusta.

Oli siinä kirjeessä sitten ihan mitä tahansa, niin muista, että elämälle ei pidä olla liian ankara
ei muiden, eikä omalle - Loppujen lopuksi se kuitenkin vain kuluu, päivä päivältä, elämä. Siksi sitä ei kannata kuluttaa katkeruuteen ja itsepetokseen.

- Sellaiset valmiiksi lannistetut ihmiset havahtuvat jonain aamuna siihen etteivät enää jaksakaan nousta sängystä. Vasta sitten he heräävät huomaamaan, että, noh siinä se nyt sitten oli - kaikki - koko elämä.

Onneksi on myös toisenlaisia ihmisiä - selviytyjiä.
Juhani, sinä olet selviytyjä, sinä kuulut niihin jotka nousevat omille siivilleen, tuuli sitten miten kovasti tahansa.
Sinä olet kipeä, mutta sinä paranet kyllä."
[Tummien perhosten koti]

two more. dedicated.

The Meaning we give to Words

And I'm sorry if I haven't written to you in a while. It's just that life gets in the way of living. It's just that my fingers were stuck together. It's just that all the paper in the world caught fire.

You'll forgive me if I haven't written in a while. It's just that all the envelopes made love to dragonflies and now, we cannot bring them down. It's just that time stopped ticking. It's just that all the ink ran clear.

My apologies if I haven't written in a while. It's just that words ran out of letters (these are the last in the bag). It's just that language isn't perfect. It's just, me.

The Sea reclaims the Land
I know you're just a rag doll now, sewn together with memories that we might have had.

I know you're just the dream inside of a dream

And don't worry, I know I don't know you, anymore.


If I’m nothing to you, then I’m not. And If this doesn’t feel like anything, it isn’t.
"The least you could do, is uncross your heart. Unhope to die"

“You’ve written my story backwards. You’ve taken my chapter out your book. Now I’m just a prologue. A dedication.
For you."

You’re just a sculpture that still moves in the museum of my mind. So keep walking. Art shouldn’t stop for anyone.
Light hits the eyes the universe gave me. Time throws slow punches but they hurt all the same. You are a secret I can never give up.


Hello life - shake my hand and break my heart
Open up my eyes and let me see the beauty of the dark
Hello death - I have to put you on hold
Cause I’m not ready for the presence of the cold
It's too late to sleep, too late to wake up
I'm caught between daylight and a dream
Now I lay me down in a bed of lies
Knowing any day I'll be betrayed by the kiss of my killer
Goodbye hope - I guess we're out of luck
It’s time we face the facts and finally give up
Goodbye love - I really hate to end so sad
It’s funny how I believed in things we never had
It's too late to sleep, too late to wake up
I'm caught between daylight and a dream
Now I lay me down in a bed of lies
Knowing any day I'll be betrayed by the kiss of my killer
It's too late to sleep, too late to wake up
I'm caught between daylight and a dream
Now I lay me down in a bed of lies
Knowing any day I'll be betrayed
By the kiss of my killer
[Mads Langer]