unpopular opinion

First off - don't even get me started on the drug-thing, I'm a huge fan of Kurt Cobain, he's been my teenage-hero and I'm not going to discuss how likely it was to happen or anything.
It's just ... okay, so I'm sorry for the fans. And yes, the famous Club 27 has gained yet another member and for some magical reasons, drugs are involved again. I'm not arguing the likelihood of yet another tragic heroine, nor am I going to say anything about supposed and actual talent.
It's just... 80 to 95 (they don't even have the numbers straight yet) people died innocently in Norway yesterday, because a maniacal right-wing populist ASSHOLE decided to blow up the governmental centre of Oslo, and as if that wasn't bad enough, dresses up as a policeman, gathers a huge group of young people who were out in summercamp thinking he was an official, and goes into a freaking 90 minutes shooting rampage, killing everything and everyone that even so much as blinked. People who were already down.
So NO, I'm not going to pity a washed up druggie who happened to stumble into the limelight.
- My priorities really are elsewhere right now.
Out there in the real world, were people are getting killed for nothing.

Amen. -.-°

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