aurinko ei paista enää

I proudly pronounce this week as NOT MINE.
Seriously. I'm so over a couple of things I could easily fill pages with my ranting, but let's leave it at this. It's just endlessly frustrating to see that some things will never change and that in the end it all goes back to the same old bullshit. Actually I'm not even disappointed anymore, I'm just done. Maybe at some point, I'll simply stop caring, but I honestly don't believe I'm ever going to get there. And maybe it's for the best.
It's absolutely not comprehensible to me how all the stupid ungrateful brats out there constantly get their asses kissed by everyone who's actually a lot cleverer. And honestly, I seriously hope that, in my next life, I'm just going to be completely dumb because life apparently is a lot easier that way.

So much for that bullshit.
For some very obscure reason my phonetics-class sort of saved my mood today, at least for the time of the course. I do like the teacher and it feels like for the first time the tables have turned and I'm the one who actually understands what we're talking about, while all the other people don't. So, for once, thank you home university for the excellent education on phonetics&phonology, it finally works for me.
What was actually very amusing was the phonecall I got in the morning. Good that the woman didn't see my face, she would have instantly switched to English XD Long story short, my order has arrived and she wanted to know if she could send a delivery service today at, shoot, I don't understand finnish numbers o'clock. - Well, I was at uni all day, so she couldn't, and I didn't understand much of the number, BUT I knew that I would only be at home later than that. So the package is going to be delivered ... tomorrow. At the same time I did not understand. But it was after twelve. Actually, that limits the time-span immensely. After twelve but before seven. Lukusanat, minä rakastan teitäkin.
The grammar course afterwards was actually very funny as well because it's a class where you're allowed to make mistakes and to say "I honestly don't know". I made the whole course laugh, first and foremost the teacher, because according to my not-so-very-good grammar-instincts, dachshunds (Oo) have an undefinded amout of short legs, and the number CHANGES from dog to dog. Partitiivi, minä rakastan sinua. But it was funny. XD Especially since she'd just explained that a Partitive doesn't occur with body parts. Well how should I know that short legs count as body parts in the first place!? We agreed on a new species of dachshund that will come up in the furture. Mutantti. - Tosi kivaa. 
Speaking of.
Swedish was confusing because it's too close to German to be able to talk Finnish in between, so I had to do some four-languages-multitasking while working with Kerstin and Irene, since Irene talks to us in Finnish. Confusing. I "accidentally" met Laura at Unicafé and we ended up at Kaivopiha, where I haven't been since my last lunch with the girls. Weird. They still have the best food there.

Well well. On my way to get sick, at least I think so. Not too much of a surprise if the temperature decides to jump from -15° to -2° in a couple of hours, and then falls back again. "Slightly" shitty day, but at least Uni is fun.

The best news however is that Melanie is going to be here for her thesis at the end of February. OMG!!!! I can't WAIT! I'm really so damn happy. Now Judith, Gabriela and Anne have to come visit as well and I'm totally happy again. I'll have to kidnap Melanie to the show, of course. Not even mentioning the fact that I'm still completely pissed off about how they "just so happened" to cancel every single fucking show in pääkaupunginseutu. Asshats. I miss them. I really need something to get over my... let's put it this way: to get over myself. But Negative on Saturday and then I will have to go and see The Monday Box no matter what. I seriously need some distraction.
Then I'll meet Tiina in February and I'll get my camera and all those kinds of things. Gotta look forward to somethin', right? Right.
Speaking of, I can't wait for the new episode. AAAAHH. Really need that one as well. Gonna cry my way through it because I'm still not quite over Lauren i.e. Rose but that's what you get. I'm still convinced they couldn't risk to make the cast even sexier. :-Ϸ

Jaahas, jaahas... 
life goes on.


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