Not dead :)

Aaand another week has passed. Funnily, I cannot remember a moment in which I actually felt bad or sad or regretted anything. I don't know what it is, but after January and the first weeks of February were really hard and to some extend painful and asked for a lot of decisions, I feel really really good ever since my birthday. Maybe it is because the sun has been shining for over a week now, or because every day it's getting brighter, or because the freezing air clears my head, or for some other reason, but I'm really almost back to those September-Mid-November high spirits that were broken that night in Tampere thanks to an alleged eating disorder. 
But all of this was last year and it's time to finally move on. I feel a new energy and a new determination about a lot of things, and even though it doesn't work out quite yet I feel like I'm on my way and maybe this time it's the right one. At least I'm walking into the right direction - luckily, ways can be changed. 
A week until Melanie is here and another one and a half until Maike will be here. I am literally counting the days over here, which hasn't happened for quite a while. The best: I always counted the days until I'd come here, now I have people to visit me, HA! Two exams to tackle on the way -Swedish and Phonetics - and lots and lots of fun. I've made a few plans for Maike's stay and it's going to be absolutely awesome. Today I got my birthday present from Christi which arrived a week late, but here it is now. Her idea was very cute and honestly, I hadn't really expected anything at all, but it seems like everything is settled, so I guess now I'm a little more sure of the fact that is a friendship that does work on long-distance. Good to know for the future since we don't know where we'll be swept off to ^^
Same with the girls. I don't talk to them much but in a way the connection is still there and I seriously cannot wait until we'll all be reunited. New Years 11/12 at the latest, yeesh.

I'mtotally stuck on Mika and Pink lately, their music gives me so damn much energy. I've always said Mika makes the world a better place ^_^' And Pink ... yah, any comment necessary? That Funhouse-DVD got me through the last winter already and now with the "new" songs (read: songs I didn't know before) there's even more energy&motivation to be found. Really really great. Then I rediscovered Greenday this week, haha. Back to the Roots so to say. - And all of that just because Davey Havok will lead in their musical for a couple of shows. The songs, however, are really really great and if you get Tony Vincent robed in for a musical it cannot be bad, right? - Right.
I also finally managed to continue watching Glee yesterday and I truly, truly missed it the last weeks. The show is amazing and I'm still so impressed by Kurt who certainly is one of the most inspiring fictional characters on TV I've seen for a long time - just attitude-wise. I mean, his story totally carries the whole show XD
I'm almost through with the two books I bought last week -.- Well they're short. But they still could go on for like .. forever. I love the style and I love how that "anonymus" writer develops a story we've already seen in parts. Really really well done. Can't wait until the next one comes out in May, eh. 

What else ... nothing really. Weekend will require a lot of studying. Aurelia and I cancelled our Porvoo-plans for that... well, and for the temperatures. Porvoo might be beautiful but I don't need to stay outside for hours at -20°C - not even when (at the moment) I can stand the cold a lot better than the darkness before. Not even if you can actually feel the sun by not. Not even... at all :D So Porvoo will be postponed to after the exams. As my fototrip to Vanhakaupunki, apparently. But I have all time in the world :) 
Now some reading. 

It's weekend :))

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