Winter's first call

I'm restarting in the blogging world with a place that's intended for anything that's meant to be said. My old blog on myblog is too important to me to be cast away, so this is just another one. 

Winter made his first real claim over the world today, and I awoke to a white, covered-with-snow Puistola after a couple of days of temperatures around zero and no rain or anything at all. Only last night I said that the air was very dry, and that everything was frozen ... and then it snowed the whole night and we had 10cm or more fresh snow when I woke up, and it continued snowing until a couple of hours ago. The world looks clean and beautiful and I finally feel at peace. Snow seriously make me laugh like a child. When I was outside earlier I felt like I had never seen snow in my life.
Well, I haven't - or certainly not THAT much snow after the first time it really snows at all.

All of this reminds me of Narnia.
Which means that tomorrow I will hit town and buy the DVDs. It's "almost" Christmas and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe makes me think of Christmas. Narnia always makes me cry because it's so incredibly beautifully told. And because I love Lucy so much. And Susan and Edmund and Peter. And Mr Tumnus. And all of this in general.
I love Narnia. 

... so much for this :) 
And so much for a first entry. So many things on my mind ... maybe I should try this.
My answers are in italics. 

1. It sounds weird, but sometimes I'd like to sit down with the people I don't like and chat about what problem we have with each other, especially when we were never introduced.
2. Silence is like music to my ears.
3. I am grateful for the opportunity to stay in The Cathedral for a while and express my gratitude and worries by just focussing on them.
4. Nothing happens until first there is a dream, and that's why they say "never say never"
5. A rainy day is absolutely not imaginable after today :)
6. Music saved my life in many situations and everybody is allowed to know this about me. 
7. Dear November, please go on just like that. You started off so dark and weird, but now you're just beautiful.
8. Doing at least a little is better than nothing.
9. Halloween was the end of Fall for me. Everything after that just gets closer to closer to Christmas and I love it.
10. Glögi & Piparikakut tastes best in winter.
11. When I look out of the window, I see lots and lots of snow XD
12. People always pretend to have the best justifications for everything they do in front of others, but does it really have to be this way?

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